welcome to my commissions page!

commission status : OPEN!

oliver - ollie - crown
agricultural student in central fl.
student activist
self-taught artist
he / they
trans & queer

art by katastrofish

if you'd like to commission me, or have any questions:
please contact at any of the following!

note: only add me on discord IF you have a question about commissions, prices, tos, etc - or you plan on commissioning me.

by commissioning me, you are agreeing to my terms of service.
violation of these terms will result in your commission being denied or abandoned, and potentially blacklisting you from commissioning me in the future.


I reserve the right to refuse or discontinue a commission at any time.
Variations may occur in the terms outlined below.
Contact me if you have any inquiries on my TOS.

2. WHAT WILL AND WILL NOT BE DRAWN✖ I will not draw:- Hateful or Bigoted Content
- NFSW or Fetish Content
- Political or Religious Content
- Extreme Gore
- Depictions of Substance Abuse
- Incestuous or Pedophilic Pairings
- Mechs ( Armor and Prosthetics are A-OK! )
- Or anything else I am uncomfortable with.
✓ I will draw:
- Most Animals
- Anthros and Furries
- Blood, Gore, Violence
- Non-Original Characters ( From certain series! )
- Original Characters
- Scenery and Multiple Character Drawings
- And More! Feel free to ask about a commission

✩ Payment is due upfront. Large commissions may have a payment plan available - but this is to be discussed with me personally.✩ Refunds will not be given after the sketch is shown and agreed upon.✩ If you cancel your commission after this stage, I will keep the payment for what I have done, and refund the remaining.✩ If I cannot complete your commission, I will refund in full.✩ If you give a tight deadline, I will charge a rush fee.✩ If you only provide a description of the commissioned character, there will be an added fee for a custom design.✩ Excessive or major revisions past the sketch stage will put on additional fees. Please communicate with me early!✩ Complexity in certain aspects of the commission ( including but not limited to: design & background ) may put on additional fees.

✩ As the artist, I retain the rights over any commissioned work.
✩ Work commisioned from me is ONLY for personal use.✩ I reserve the right to post commissioned work on my social media.✩ I reserve the right to stream and upload video of commissioned work.✩ Any characters featured in the work retain copyright to their rightful owners.✩ You may post & share commissioned work on social media with proper credit. Do not claim it as your own.✩ You may not remove my watermark under any circumstances.✩ You may not use my art for any form of cryptocurrency - included but not limited to NFTS ( non-fungible tokens ).✩ You may not use my art for any AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) . This includes bots and programs of your coding, as well as art A.I programs such as WomboDream.✩ My art is not permitted for commercial use.✩ You may not monetize my artwork in any way.✩ My designs and artwork may not be monetized, sold in merchandise, or profited off of in any way other then selling.
✩ My designs may not be sold above the original price.

NOTE: I am a full time student and volunteer. Due to this, expected turnaround time may change or be slowed.
✩ I will send a sketch for approval before continuing the commission. You may request revisions of the work at this stage, and be refunded for cancellation.You may NOT be refunded past this, and major revisions will not be allowed ( without additional fees ) past this. Please communicate with me!If you do cancel the commission at this point, I will only refund for work I have not done.✩ I will show W.I.Ps throughout the process, through our communication platform. W.I.Ps will also be available at request, but excessively frequent requests are not allowed. Please feel free to message, though! I will let you know if anything is too frequent - but don't be afraid to ask for updates! I don't bite!✩ If there is a deadline for the commissioned work, this must be agreed on before work has begun.✩ I will do my best to complete your commission in a timely manner, but life can get in the way. I will do my best to notify of any severe delays or issues with your commission.


all prices are in United States Dollar - USD.

Sketch Pricing
Bust/Headshot - 5$
Halfbody - 7 $
Fullbody - 10$
All Prices for a colored sketch.
Flatcolor Pricing
Bust/Headshot - 10$
Halfbody - 12$
Fullbody - 15$
Simple Shading Pricing
Bust/Headshot - 15$
Halfbody - 18$
Fullbody - 20$
Complex Shading Pricing
Bust/Headshot - 20$
Halfbody - 23$
Fullbody - 25$
Chibi Pricing
Bust/Headshot - 5$
Halfbody - 7$
Fullbody - 10$
Simple Shading - Additional 5$
Additional Characters
Flatcolor - +10$ Per Character
Simple Shading - +12$ Per Character
Complex Shading - +15$ Per Character
Plain Background ( Single Color, Pattern, Gradient ) - Free
Simple Background - +10$
Complex Background - +20$
Reference Sheet Pricing
Simple Ref Sheet ( Fullbody, Headshot, with color pallet, drawn accessories, and other small details ) - 30$
Complex Ref Sheet - ( Two or More Fullbodies, Multiple Headshot Expressions, And Other Details ) Begins at 60$ - Individualized Pricing due to no set standard for these. Contact for Quote.
Custom Design Pricing
Flat Fullbody of Design - 20$
Ref Sheet of Custom Design - +15$ To Ref Sheet Price
Animatic Pricing
Animatics can be of any length, but will take extended time.
They will not have any frame-by-frame animation in them, unless an additional fee is paid.
Animatic Pricing begins at 50$ per 30 seconds , and pricing is individualized incredibly based on time, frame amount, complexity, color or no color, background etc.
Please contact me directly for a price quote on animatic.
PMV Pricing
See animatic pricing - contact for quote.
Begins at 100$ per 20 seconds
I can do other then what is listed here - Feel free to contact me for further questions!